CAMINOS DE HIERRO. photo et image | fotos en blanco y negro , especial Images fotocommunity
CAMINOS DE HIERRO. photo et image de Antonio Hijano ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
Looking longer and longer at the picture I have the feeling that every singe detail is planned to be on the photo as it is. The houses change from light to dark to light to dark ... ending dark on the right side of the picture. Even the sky is light and dark, and the rails lead from the dark to the light; the antenna is cut - same as the tree ... again Wim Wenders is right when he says: Eyes can't be bought! Very very good!
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Arantxa Val. 08/06/2016 13:52
Sobre todo me asombra que parece que no haya nadie ! parece todo carente de vida ,de vida que se ha ido por la vía . Estupenda la sensación.Renzo Baggiani 23/04/2016 11:27
Gran bel lavoro, di inquadratura e di viraggio!Carmeta 18/04/2016 10:19
Que buen encuadre, perspectiva y edición, me encantan esos colores sepias.Un beso
Ana Iglesias 17/04/2016 16:09
Muy buena Antonio.Chaito Bahamonde 17/04/2016 14:41
melancólica imagende lo rápido que van todo conforme tomas elecciones?
dolores coll 17/04/2016 10:01
me gusta el color de esta imagen.adriana lissandrini 16/04/2016 21:35
por desgracia, es la modernidad! excelente disparo, perspectiva hermosabesos
María de la Rosa 16/04/2016 19:55
magnifica edicion!!!!te felicito
Mauro Tomassetti 16/04/2016 14:21
Wonderful diagonal and splendid b&w!Regards Mauro
ShivaK 16/04/2016 12:55
Looking longer and longer at the picture I have the feeling that every singe detail is planned to be on the photo as it is. The houses change from light to dark to light to dark ... ending dark on the right side of the picture. Even the sky is light and dark, and the rails lead from the dark to the light; the antenna is cut - same as the tree ... again Wim Wenders is right when he says: Eyes can't be bought! Very very good!