"Springbank is unique among Scotland's distilleries for a number of different reasons. Perhaps most significantly, it is the only entirely self-contained distillery in Scotland. Nothing but barley and water come into the distillery, and bottled Scotch whisky leaves it. A few distilleries still have their own maltings and a couple still have bottling plants on site, but only Springbank has both, providing 100% of its malted barley from its own maltings and, at the far end of the production and maturation process, bottling the end product in a bottling hall in which just six bottles can be filled in a batch before each has to be corked by hand," Scorrish tourist authorities are claiming.
Unfortunately Springbank is closed
Ralf Büscher 31/01/2009 17:10
Gute OberflächenstrukturRalf
VerschlussSache 24/01/2009 16:19
@ Irelandeddie. War vorübergehend geschlossen, arbeiten aber wieder. Siehe oben den Linklg Jürgen
Joachim Irelandeddie 24/01/2009 16:14
Schönes Firmenschild und schade das sie geschlossen ist.lg irelandeddie
VerschlussSache 24/01/2009 11:08
Hi Ralf, kleines Update.
Die Jungs dort arbeiten :-)
Klasse die Spiegelung, gefällt mir.
lg Jürgen