Common Hyacinth
A flower, well known all over the world, I suppose.
Common hyacinth is native to Turkey, Lebanon, Israel and Syria.
That region is the birth cradle of more then 2000 hybrids after being introduced to European gardens in the 16th century.
Nowadays it is widely cultivated everywhere in the temperate world for its strongly fragrant flowers that bloom in brightly coloured clusters.
Dutch name : Hyacint
German name : Gartenhyazinthe
Latin name : Hyacinthus orientalis
Sue Thompson 17/04/2018 11:04
In my imagination I can smell the heady perfume of these hyacinths.:))
de ceulaer 16/04/2018 16:47
so beautiful colours and photobr
Bernhard Kuhlmann 15/04/2018 11:56
Farben, die mein Herz schneller schlagen lassen !Gruß Bernd
Angelika El. 13/04/2018 23:10
Welch eine Blütenpracht! Wunderbar aufgenommen!!! LG! a.archiek 13/04/2018 18:24
A very pretty photo of this Hyacinth. Good Work!Regards, Archie
Diana V. P. 13/04/2018 14:01
Wie vom Zuckerbäcker gemacht... eine herrliche Aufnahme!!Liebe Grüße
Sigrun Pfeifer 12/04/2018 20:41
Wunderschön, und sie duften so herrlich. LG SigrunClaudio Micheli 12/04/2018 19:59
Bellissima presentazione.Ciao
Adele D. Oliver 12/04/2018 19:55
a splendid group of this pink variety of hyacinths - had no idea thereare so many species ... great light here and excellent sharp details !!!
warm regards,
Vitória Castelo Santos 12/04/2018 17:39
Very nice flowersBravo
aline64 12/04/2018 16:47
très belles ces jacinthes, belle priseamicalement
JX 12/04/2018 15:09
Excellente fhoto von dieser BlumeWünsche noch ein guter Abend
LG Beat
Erika Avery 12/04/2018 14:30
Very nice picture but what I appreciate also very much is the story. Very interesting!Best regards - Erika
Rhapsody09 12/04/2018 13:43
Wunderschön und in bester Schärfe zeigst du die herrlichenHyazinthen. Pretty in Pink, klasse ! LG Marion
Gabriele Gressog 12/04/2018 13:38
Perfekt in Szene gesetztGruß Gabi