Croquet II
Croquet is a game played both as a recreational pastime and as a competitive sport which involves hitting wooden or plastic balls with a mallet through hoops embedded into the grass playing arena.
Croquet II
Croquet is a game played both as a recreational pastime and as a competitive sport which involves hitting wooden or plastic balls with a mallet through hoops embedded into the grass playing arena.
Arno M 08/07/2008 22:26
ok:-)Bernhard Zerta 08/07/2008 21:55
der wald im hintergrund...habs auch rein wegen den unterschiedlichen ebenen.
und gerade WEIL man sich nicht festhalten kann dran... :)
Arno M 08/07/2008 21:50
mein auge findet keinenhalt, wandert ständig hin undher... was ist dashauptmotiv hier ? der stock?