Dandelion of screws
About the image:
I wanted to create a construct that looks like a piece of jewellery. I had the idea that it could become an interesting picture if i build a dandelion out of screws. This would turn around the gravity for the parachutes so that they fall down fastly than fly away like in zero gravity.
How was the image made:
I modeled this Dandelion in 3DSMAX an Rhino. I used Rhino to model a "free sizable" main screw out of nurbs. In 3DS Max I used an XRef scene structure to be as flexible as possible. (And to be able to use proxys in the viewports,cause the polycount is about 2 million) The most difficult part was the lighting and shading. this was done in 3dsmax, too. This picture rendered about 5 hours on 2 P4´s (3Ghz + 1 Ghz) Finally i´ve added a DOF Filter thats able to create bokehs to underline the intention of a piece of jewellery.
The final resolution is A4 @ 400dpi. You can watch a zoomable highres version on www.ak3d.de
Prints are here:
André Kutscherauer 07/09/2006 22:30
Trotzdem Vielen lieben Dank an alle die mitgemacht haben! Ihr seid klasse!Jana67 24/08/2006 23:46 Commentaire de vote
beim anschauen des thumbnails dachte ich erst an eine Pusteblume. Umso größer war die Überraschung.Allein dafür gibt es von mir ein pro.
Aber nicht nur dafür...
Werner Rieder 24/08/2006 23:46 Commentaire de vote
P R OBarbara Homolka 24/08/2006 23:46 Commentaire de vote
+Uwe Thon 24/08/2006 23:46 Commentaire de vote
sauberst!!!!!† Achim Conring 24/08/2006 23:46 Commentaire de vote
grandiose arbeit .pro.
Jgfghzffggg 24/08/2006 23:46 Commentaire de vote
proHerr Buchta 24/08/2006 23:46 Commentaire de vote
-Karin RoWo 24/08/2006 23:46 Commentaire de vote
proGuido WB 24/08/2006 23:46 Commentaire de vote
skipStefan Neuner 24/08/2006 23:46 Commentaire de vote
+Rudi Rabauke 24/08/2006 23:46 Commentaire de vote
dagegen.arsimago 24/08/2006 23:46 Commentaire de vote
+Silber-Distel 24/08/2006 23:46 Commentaire de vote
+C. Termeer - Fotografie 24/08/2006 23:46 Commentaire de vote
Schon wieder du??? Aber ist wieder klasse, keine Frage:+