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Deep thought

This boy was lying on his mothers chest and appeared to be in deep thought. It was as if he was an older person making an important decision. Olympus E300,lens 14-54, f4, 55mm, ISO 100--No tripod.

Commentaire 2

  • Helen Christmon 18/02/2006 9:47

    Hi John, I don't know when you made this comment. This is the first time I have been to this site for a long time. But, anyway, I live in California. What is your opinon of this site? Is there a cost? ...If so, is it worth it?
  • John Moore 10/07/2005 9:11

    Helen you have a passion for human nature.
    It is so obvious in your two photographs.
    As we used to say before decimalisation.
    "A penny for your thoughts"
    Wonderful portrait.
    Where on this planet do you reside???

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