980 6

Rohan Akunoori

Free Account, Dubai

Commentaire 6

  • Rohan Akunoori 30/07/2005 8:47

    Thanks John@,Wen@, I am glad humaness is not yet lost in humans and life is more that just a living or seeing things our way.
    Its understandable that not every one can see what others see in little things that have a strong msg and the prespective that often misjudged.
    However I accept critism to grow and learn, I see simple things in life that their joy is priceless be it a picture or a simple word from any. I live with my dream and my heart sings the song of joy in what i see.
    I understand Ruud and his concern in regards to the site and the rules and regulations, However I guess that the lines drawn by the site need to be mindful or the effect on a simple person like me who wants to learn and having a great feeling or the joy of my soul with a pictures which i know NOT the technical rules of as i am not a pro, and want to express how i see the picture or what i feel is just a gesture of a human prespective that would convey a content feeling to the photograper and encourage him/her to look at things in the simple form and see the joy of life in even a picture.
    I have almost learnt this kind ot seeing things in a low profile that makes me a PERSON and not a pro photograper.
    we all have our own and we all see things our way,. Missing that needs to be said or seen is what not most realise to make things better or even a simple dum word that say it all in one go to lift someones spirit and make a difference.
    Designed by God is one of those pictures that is personally connected to my life and every individual who can see something in even nothingness to learn that life is more that just the show biz or being the best. My soul is what matters to me, what I see the right way is life to me, What i read between the line is what makes me grow, what others see is accepted and make me look at life the other way to be able to explain things to my soul that are more than just words, pictures, or even a expresssion that most othes dont see or know.
    With all due respect and regards.
  • John Moore 30/07/2005 5:42

    Ruud, you have mistaken the point, this is a record taken by a young man.
    Should he have to ask YOU what he should photograph???
    Nature and photography are two subjects, one has to understand nature!
    It is not some techno garbage, it is life!!!
    I would ask of you to please explain this photograph that you took and uploaded.
    Not to me, but to Rohan.

    I thank you, Baie Dankie.

  • When 30/07/2005 5:11

    I don't think these two gentleman miss the point at all. John pulled out the perfect word, and one I would describe the photography of both men, asceticism.
    Rudd...hum. You must really have a distaste for my deconstructive pictures and total disregard for technical rules. There are many that see the flaws as part of the photograph rather than striving to obtain technical perfection, and there are those that respect the choices made by the artist/photographer and don't feel a need to try to "correct" them. What is wrong with a comment letting the photographer know you just appreciate the picture? I don't know what I personally think of this picture, but I can see for Rohan through his pictures that he sees with his soul rather than what someone tells him he should see. I find a lot of the comments left by the perfectionist set to be techno babble that overlooks the photographer's intent, yes, it might make the picture "better" looking technically, but I am not one to question another artist's interpretation. I didn't see a sign or disclaimer when I signed on to the site that says the main goal is the attainment of photographic superiority. I've pondered for many months what the issue is, what is this negativity towards a picture like this of Rohan's and those that don't color inside the focused lines. I now see the differences in context with the help of John's choice of words, what we are dealing with could be equated to the differences between the rigid moralism of Western Calvinism and the inner mediation of Eastern Buddhism. There are just very different philosophies were the former has only one path and the later many routes to obtain enlightenment. Is there only one way to discuss photography? I've prayed at the church of perfection with my past as a studio photographer, every day of my career judged on the turn of a nose, the cut of an eye, the geometric composition, the lighting, the detail of white on a white dress. It was a pretty good living, but empty. That is what this picture was about - getting lost in the technical details you loose focus of yourself. Right now I'm trying to shake off my brainwashing and explore photography on a different path. Am I and others like me not allowed room to be here?
  • John Moore 06/07/2005 18:37

    Rohan, you are no more or no less than I, many folk are unable to comprehend the ascetic values of nature.
    I however, have been surrounded by it for over fifty years.
    However humble my photographs are, they are solely to record nature.
    I am no graphic manipulator of art, but a simple happy snapper.
    You my friend know where to draw the line.
    Your photo is a great record of nature and may I say, keep it up.
    J.Moore. N.P.G.P.
  • Rohan Akunoori 05/07/2005 15:06

    Thanks John, and Ruud,
    I am for sure not a pro like you guys but the smiple msg of this picture is that Growth,Which is designed by God.
    If you see the process of Growth in this picture that the one on the left is still in the process of growing while the other is less grown but still in the same process.
    The position of the two make it a relative compostion to me however the site was pleasing to my eyes that I wanted to capture a little of Nature and the skys that give it the colors which is more or less the outcome of everything that grows will bear fruit.
    Let me know if you see anything eles, I would love to learn so I post all my picture that I take. Coz my best is till let to come once i am atleast able to hold my camera right :-).
  • John Moore 05/07/2005 14:38

    Wonderful photograph Rohan.
    Looks like American cotton allow/
    Great shot.