Die Erde lässt Dampf ab photo et image | naturereignisse, die elemente, natur Images fotocommunity
Die Erde lässt Dampf ab photo et image de Gutemine501 ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur fotocommunity.fr. Découvre ici d'autres images.
I like the angle of shoot and the composition. I have copied the shot to my Lightroom 5 and increased the contrast and the saturation to show the beauty of the colours in the shot, the yellows and the reds. Try it it makes a far better shot.
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Zman68 24/05/2014 7:46
I like the angle of shoot and the composition. I have copied the shot to my Lightroom 5 and increased the contrast and the saturation to show the beauty of the colours in the shot, the yellows and the reds. Try it it makes a far better shot.Zman68