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Dita gets the Podong Gigi

Dita gets the Podong Gigi

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Premium (World), Bangkok

Dita gets the Podong Gigi

Podong Gigi the words for the tooth filing cermony also called Matatah.
For strong religious reasons, every Hindu in Bali Hinduism must have his or her upper canines and incisors filed before marriage and at the latest before death.
A priest grinds down the six upper incisors and the canines, which are considered animalistic, evenly. This is intended to regulate the six vices of greed, jealousy, anger, stupidity, lust and lack of self-control.
krodha = anger
kama = lust
loba = greed
mada = lack of self-control
moha = stupidity
matsarya = jealousy
Photo taken with a smartphone camera of my friend.

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