Do you like chocolate? photo et image | still life, soggetti Images fotocommunity
Do you like chocolate? photo et image de Valentina Yu. ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
I am really addicted to chocolate, it is really tasty and really great present for any occasion. As for me, I am currently buying various different types of chocolate online at where is a big variety of interesting flavors that are really tasty and also have a pretty decent price.
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Lisa Sviridova 18/11/2021 19:04
I am really addicted to chocolate, it is really tasty and really great present for any occasion. As for me, I am currently buying various different types of chocolate online at where is a big variety of interesting flavors that are really tasty and also have a pretty decent price.Valentina Yu. 10/04/2012 20:43
Grazie mille Alessia!Be Antonio, non voglio dirti una cavolata, ma io prima di Pasqua non mi piaceva il cioccolato !! :P
Antonio Pollaci 10/04/2012 20:21
e a chi non piace?ciao