Don´t Walk
Time to read, time to wait, time to enjoy the fresh morning and the early light.
This is my personal favorite and worth the time I spent in downtown El Paso.
Teil 1:
Teil 2:
Teil 3:
..... meiner "Hüftschussserie"
Joseph Eastman 17/06/2007 19:03
You're right Matthias, one of the best ones... great lightining, paceful and rich escene. The human element enforces the idea.Hudson Valley 11/02/2005 19:18
I like this. Very good picture.Jo
Stefan F 07/02/2005 18:13 Commentaire de vote
sehr schön!PRO!
Jochen Schmidt-Oehm 07/02/2005 18:13 Commentaire de vote
Schönes proschmoehm
.ina. 07/02/2005 18:13 Commentaire de vote
*Arno M 07/02/2005 18:12 Commentaire de vote
+Günther Pichler 07/02/2005 18:12 Commentaire de vote
+M³ Mückenmüller 07/02/2005 18:12 Commentaire de vote
pro!Thomas Solecki² 07/02/2005 18:12 Commentaire de vote
contraPeter Langmeier 07/02/2005 18:12 Commentaire de vote
very proRoland Schmidt 07/02/2005 18:12 Commentaire de vote
stimmt! :: pro ::Th. Wieland 07/02/2005 18:12 Commentaire de vote
contraVeronika Pinke 07/02/2005 18:12 Commentaire de vote
proDieter Wundes 07/02/2005 18:12 Commentaire de vote
Barbara Homolka 07/02/2005 18:12 Commentaire de vote
wie Julia:-). Pro