Doors, steps and windows photo et image | architecture, details, people Images fotocommunity
Doors, steps and windows photo et image de Sue Thompson ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
The lower doorway leads out of the main hall and the stairs lead to the Solar upper doorway and also to the south tower. Like Mark interesting with the lighting
:-)) Harold
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Manu T. 13/10/2017 15:29
Well composed shot with fine details and sharpness and I like the couple there climing up the steps.Gr.manu
Harold Thompson 13/10/2017 12:20
The lower doorway leads out of the main hall and the stairs lead to the Solar upper doorway and also to the south tower. Like Mark interesting with the lighting:-)) Harold
Mark Billiau. 13/10/2017 11:37
Interesting capture of this part of the old castle in a very good crop.