Dream photo et image | landscape, sand & sea, nature Images fotocommunity
Dream photo et image de Luis Diogo ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur fotocommunity.fr. Découvre ici d'autres images.
I love this. Deep, rich and satisfying. However, I do feel you are getting a great deal of artifact in the darker areas of the sand ripples. Those closer to the waterline are holding up better. Looks like saturation manip to the point of posterization?
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Amilcar Lages 23/01/2007 12:19
tambem gostei destaRobyn Raggio 07/01/2007 6:33
I love this. Deep, rich and satisfying. However, I do feel you are getting a great deal of artifact in the darker areas of the sand ripples. Those closer to the waterline are holding up better. Looks like saturation manip to the point of posterization?