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Early Evening (2)
last week on our walk back from Trout Lake, Vancouver … we had the first snowfall the night before.
Sections | Special: My Hometown Subjects: Architecture Nature: Winter |
Dossier | Vancouver Living |
Vu de | 17 678 |
Publiée | |
Langue |
![]() |
Licence |
APN | Canon PowerShot SX50 HS |
Objectif | 4.3 - 215.0 mm |
Ouverture | 4.5 |
Temps de pose | 1/40 |
Focale | 11.1 mm |
ISO | 100 |
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Harold Thompson 18/01/2020 12:13
Well exposed scene of the snow fall:-)) Harold
SYLDERO 17/01/2020 21:19
J'AIME ces maisons colorées..Bises
Karl-Heinz Wagemans 17/01/2020 17:54
Sehr schön anzusehen - wir hatten bisher noch keinen Schnee!LG K.-H.
Valery 17/01/2020 12:38
Liked the photoTorsten TBüttner 17/01/2020 5:41
Prima PerspektiveConny11 16/01/2020 23:37
Wow..... herrlich wie schön das aussieht, bestens fotografiert.LG von mir Conny, hab einen schönen Freitag
Dream30 16/01/2020 22:32
une très jolie ambiance d'hiver sur cette photo BisesClaudio Micheli 16/01/2020 21:37
Bella davvero.Ciao
Vitória Castelo Santos 16/01/2020 20:45
It's an interesting view!!!Very special!!!
....but not for me Adele:-)))))
Regards Vitoria
Alfred Schultz 16/01/2020 19:13
Congratulations on your snow and the view.Gruss - A.
hans-jakob 16/01/2020 18:36
Winter in Kanada!!!LG hans-jakob
Axel Sand 16/01/2020 17:48
This looks nice and friendly. Good captured, Adele.Warm regards
Elvina Benoist-Audiau 16/01/2020 11:46
Beautiful capture of the street after a snowfall !!! Hugs, ElviFrederick Mann 16/01/2020 10:15
snow as enhancementFabrice Malburet 16/01/2020 9:43
Une belle et douce ambiance règne ici , il doit y faire bon vivre ....amitiés Fabrice