Eightth Wonder of the World
reisterasses of Batad, Philippines, believed to have been completed 1000 years BC by chinese settlers
taken with my faithful Canon Ditgital Rebel, seen from the balcony of our lodge
Eightth Wonder of the World
reisterasses of Batad, Philippines, believed to have been completed 1000 years BC by chinese settlers
taken with my faithful Canon Ditgital Rebel, seen from the balcony of our lodge
Gudrun Hunger 11/10/2006 18:54
eine schöne Landschaftsaufnahme ist das, gefällt mir sehr gutGruß Gudrun
Die Waldvenus 11/10/2006 18:09
sehr schön***Lg Die Waldbenus
Melanie Schauer 11/10/2006 10:43
great Picture, look really like the 8th wonder!Melanie
Thomas Reitzel 11/10/2006 9:42
Hi Norma! Good view. But - I think you could´ve improved it a bit by taking that roofs down there more into your composition...Greetings to Hot´lanta!