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a great find ... the water has done its work and has turned this log into an exotic breed of half zebra, half pig ?? ... great details !!!
greetings, Adele
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Gucris 13/10/2014 10:47
... mit Füßen und Flügeln - toll!LG Christel
stephanegrob 22/04/2014 11:17
Die Maserung find ich hier sehr schön vom Holz.Ciao // Stéphane // per iPhone App
dieter behling 20/04/2014 11:08
Das ist ja stark...fein geschliffen vom Wasser und Sand.
AMABU 19/04/2014 23:49
Tolles FundstückKlasse festgehalten
Adele D. Oliver 19/04/2014 4:37
a great find ... the water has done its work and has turned this log into an exotic breed of half zebra, half pig ?? ... great details !!!greetings, Adele
Gudrun1957 18/04/2014 22:55
Schön, was die Natur uns zu bieten hat.Herrliches Fundstück! Erinnert mich an ein Schwein*ggg
LG Gudrun