English Village in Brazil - Paranápiacaba City - SP-Br
"The São Paulo Railway opened its rail line on January 1, 1867. She first served as a passenger from Santos to Sao Paulo and Jundiaí (last season), also served as an outlet for coffee production in the province of São Paulo to the port of Santos. In 1874, it inaugurated the station of Alto da Serra, who would later be called Paranapiacaba.
In the year 1898, a new station is built with wood, iron and plain tiles brought from England. This season had the main feature of the large clock made by Johnny Benson Walker, of London, which stood out amid the fog - very common in that region.
By concession, an English group explored the rail system in the Serra do Mar. It is the first system implemented was the Funicular System: with cables and fixed machinery. The first line, eleven miles long, was inaugurated in 1867 by the Railway Group. She began to be built in 1862 and was one of the largest shareholders and founders of the legendary Baron Maua. In 1859, he called the railroad engineer James Brunlees, who came to Brazil and gave viability to the project. The implementation of this project was the responsibility of another English engineer, Daniel Makinson Fox A curious point is that the instability of the land, the construction of the railway was almost handmade. Do not use explosives for fear of collapse. The rocks were cut with nails and small tools. Walls up to 3 meters and 20 cm in height were built just to the route of the railway. The second line began operating in 1900. "
TEXT SOURCE: Wikipedia
Benoît Walsads 27/04/2010 15:06
Absolutely beautiful.. Great atmosphere !!