Evening Nr 5. In rush photo et image | people Images fotocommunity
Evening Nr 5. In rush photo et image de Tania Skaradek ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur fotocommunity.fr. Découvre ici d'autres images.
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alexander stefanatos 27/01/2015 11:17
Excellent and very live capture expressing all the fervor of quick motion...best wishes alexander
Matthias Moritz 18/01/2015 7:15
Busy impression, well documented!Mauro Tomassetti 16/01/2015 21:35
Excellent**!Harold Thompson 16/01/2015 10:13
Nicely caught action as the people go about there business:-)) Harold
Sue Thompson 16/01/2015 8:58
Excellent work........I like how you have got the movement of the people as they rush about their business.... and yet their feet are nicely sharp.
ernesto haddad 16/01/2015 4:00
nice combination Tania ! saludos