14 268 3

Fog Over Water

Weird Light in Water

Commentaire 3

    • David Arduini 24/10/2021 22:58

      Hi Andy, thank you so much for taking time to look thru my photos. I have had time recently to explore during this very colorful season in Connecticut. I took a year off now to see what I can do with my photography. I am self taught mostly, but at your age to have the eye and creative ability and transmit it to paper is really great.  Always do art for yourself, let other people figure out what its supposed to mean,   Regards David
    • Andy Kaja 25/10/2021 9:29

      Hi David,
      I am completely self-taught, anyway it doesn't mean anything and having something to say through the image, is not easy.
      Everything has been said and done in photography, but having your own vision and always improving a bit is always an extra goal. I don't have a style and I don't think I ever will. 
      Mostly I link photography to my moods and go for long periods without shooting.
       I wish you all the best, Andy


Vu de 14 268


Objectif 17.0-55.0 mm f/2.8
Ouverture 9
Temps de pose 2
Focale 35.0 mm
ISO 100

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