Frame 3195 photo et image | industry & technology, trucks, buses & cars, subjects Images fotocommunity
Frame 3195 photo et image de Zilvinas K. ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
Pour cette photo, Zilvinas K. désire collecter le maximum de commentaires constructifs Aidez-le avec des conseils sur la composition, la technique, le langage iconographique etc. (Veuillez respecter la Netiquette!)
I find it always very difficult to give a comment to a picture like this, but thats mostly due to the fact that motorbikes are not my thing. However i think if you would have put your own reflection into the circled cilinder in the middle, you would have added some "story" to the picture and have made it more interesting.
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Ruud van der Lubben 12/10/2018 17:39
I find it always very difficult to give a comment to a picture like this, but thats mostly due to the fact that motorbikes are not my thing. However i think if you would have put your own reflection into the circled cilinder in the middle, you would have added some "story" to the picture and have made it more interesting.Matthias Moritz 11/10/2018 6:20
Fits perfect into the square format and the photo has good contrasts. Its a good work!