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...from my father to me, from me to my son.

...from my father to me, from me to my son.

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...from my father to me, from me to my son.

I remember the first time my father let me play with his tools, I get to share in that experience. I have been noticing that Matthew is always in my shadow, observing everything I do, especially when working with my tools. It was a while back,..he was much younger ( maybe about 11 months ) he tried so hard to pick up this drill,..I had to help him.

This evening, as a little project I had been working on ( I decided to prepare a wild flower garden for Matthew ) I want to entice his curiosity with the butterflies and hummingbirds ( the garden will consist of wild flowers that will favor the attention of this little creatures ),...and so I went about to finish the last details which include the fencing around it. Matthew saw Rebecca and I working with the drill as we attached the fencing,...Matthew wanted to help ( which I knew this was going to happen, so I kept the camera near by ).

I really love this moments...and so within time, Diego will be doing the same.


Matthew is now 1 year and a half.

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