Get to the Gopura of the second level
Gopura of the second level is also tetrahedrons with a wall in the south. On Tang Damnern - North of the Gopura, there are holds with a foot diameter to put a post inside in order build a marquee for the chairman.
In 2000, my wife and I tried another visit; we were successful and the following is what happened on our one day visit to Khao Phra Vihaan or in Cambodian language Phnom Praeh Vihaer.
The photo was shot in 2000 by a conventional Ektachrome 50 ASA slide film and scanned with a NIKON CoolScan 5000 ED.
Dieter Behrens K.T. 17/07/2013 6:40
Das war mal ein wunderschöne Tempelanlage.Gruß aus Indonesien, Dieter