Gool Old Hamburg photo et image | architecture, cityscape, subjects Images fotocommunity
Gool Old Hamburg photo et image de Alexander Mihaylov ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
To the new Hamburg , sorry for our victory 4-1..LoL, for the European Championship
The photo is wonderfull.
As our victory. You know, I am from Porto Football Team.... LOL
Have fun
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Alexander Mihaylov 09/11/2006 12:41
:)))))) Hi Antonio, i'm not from hamburg, i was just visiting ;) i was for porto on that game, so no excuses lolgreets
Antonio Amen 09/11/2006 12:05
To the new Hamburg , sorry for our victory 4-1..LoL, for the European ChampionshipThe photo is wonderfull.
As our victory. You know, I am from Porto Football Team.... LOL
Have fun