Griya Kongco Dwipayana temple
One of the clear tolerances we could find is at Griya Kongco Dwipayana Tanah Kilap, Pemogan in Denpasar.
This place is a klenteng which is also known as the Vihara Nusantara.
In this temple, Hindus and Buddhists often hold prayers together almost every day. According to Griya Kongco Dwipayana leader, Ida Bagus Made Adnyana, usually Hindus will pray at the pura first, then continue at this klenteng.
And vice versa for Buddhists.
Herbert Rulf 02/11/2023 0:46
Sehr farbenfroh, würde mein Fotoarchivierungsprogramm jetzt taggen.Aber so liebt man es dort ja !
LG, Herbert