Golite de sens?
Gari mici care-mi pastreaza
(Empty of sense ?
Little trainstation to keep
My childhood)
Golite de sens?
Gari mici care-mi pastreaza
(Empty of sense ?
Little trainstation to keep
My childhood)
kanair 03/02/2012 17:04
foarte frumos. FelicitariMichèle FLEURY 10/05/2011 7:20
Les coquelicots rouges dominent ce paysage plutôt triste, c'est la touche de vie gaie, colorée, vivante et belle dans cette grisaille qui nous entoure parfois! Une magnifique idée-symbole! Bonne journée Iacob! Amitiés, MichèlePerry Blevins 15/03/2011 18:10
Excellent capture of the flowers along the tracks. Great perspective.Regards,
Lily-Rose 20/01/2010 13:39
L'idée est géniale, et le rendu superbe !Amitiés.
Jutta Ploessner 10/11/2009 6:32
This is beautiful, Iacob! There is a very special atmosphere about your photo. I write Haiku myself ...Bw, Jutta
Atusa Naghavi 31/10/2009 20:36
Fantastic Work+++Atusa
un-scharf 28/10/2009 10:05
great colors!!Sasha Yastremskyi 26/10/2009 12:01
foarte frumos izolat rosuexcelenta
kanair 21/12/2008 20:54
superbVesela Maleeva 09/11/2008 14:40
Lovely editing and mood.Poetical, intimate, moving.
Greetings, Ves
Natalia VS 07/11/2008 18:28
I love this selective color effect...Your composition with poppy flowers is exceptional!Thank you for your cooments on my photostream, Iacob. Much Appreciated!
Mauro Stradotto 03/11/2008 21:20
Nel tuo book hai delle foto molto belle ed originali, ti ho inserito nella mia lista di amici, compplimenti!!!!Ciao.
Anoli 01/11/2008 21:18
Ein phantastisches Colorkey!LG Ilona
Richard Rutty 17/10/2008 22:13
Beautiful imageKevrekidis 16/10/2008 15:56
Wonderful shot!!!