Halloween - BOOOOOOOOOO !
Should be in the anaglyph section. Sorry it's my mistake.
But you could see a "CROSS-EYES" version here:
Note: I didn't find a way to make the anaglyph version with more orange colour. Then, if you think you could make it better without red saturation this is a 2048 pixels wide version:
Serge Côté 24/10/2007 23:58
Very frightening picture :-)I like this picture ... The colours, the depth (natural). I like this sensation when we look at an anaglyph picture and when we move the head from left to right, the picture also move from right to left.
Jan-Dierk Borgmann 24/10/2007 21:10
Diese gut gelungene Anaglyphe macht mir gute Laune.Das erinnert mich an meinen Versuch, so einen Breitwand-Kürbis im Kreuzblick anzubieten ...
Gruß von Jan