Haunted by Memories photo et image | people, peer gynt Images fotocommunity
Haunted by Memories photo et image de Willem de Vlaming ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur fotocommunity.fr. Découvre ici d'autres images.
This was shot during an outdoor stageplay of Peer Gynt in Norway, during the yearly Peer Gynt festival. If you ever get a chance to visit, don't miss it ;-)
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avanti09 31/05/2013 19:50
Eine unglaublich tolle Aufnahme!Ein fantastisches Motiv perfekt umgesetzt.
Grüße, Magdalena fc
Christian Bertero 11/05/2013 16:51
Great composition with special atmosphere. +++++Cordiale saluto ndalla Sicilia
Silvana W. 19/04/2013 18:58
Great work****...an special atmosphere and view***.Compliments*Best wishes
Dragomir Vukovic 19/04/2013 18:57
strong !Willem de Vlaming 09/04/2013 7:50
Thanks All,This was shot during an outdoor stageplay of Peer Gynt in Norway, during the yearly Peer Gynt festival. If you ever get a chance to visit, don't miss it ;-)
Glenn Capers 09/04/2013 5:39
I love the title and image.Stephen Moss 06/04/2013 22:58
Great story and excellent mood!Carlo.Pollaci 06/04/2013 20:14
Great shot. Excellent bw!Lawson McCulloch 06/04/2013 16:18
A very clever piece of work.best wishes,