Hey, whats down there? photo et image | animals, zoos, parks & falconries, mammals Images fotocommunity
Hey, whats down there? photo et image de Michal Valenta ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur fotocommunity.fr. Découvre ici d'autres images.
a beautiful shot of the little guy! what amazingly long fingers he has – they remind me of the legs of a tarantula… and i bet it's pippi longstocking's horse underneath his tree, waiting for him to jump down and grab his mane ; ))! greetings, sabine.
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s. sabine krause 10/05/2010 15:45
a beautiful shot of the little guy! what amazingly long fingers he has – they remind me of the legs of a tarantula… and i bet it's pippi longstocking's horse underneath his tree, waiting for him to jump down and grab his mane ; ))! greetings, sabine.