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HIs Eye is On The Sparrow (fini)

HIs Eye is On The Sparrow (fini)

13 518 4

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

HIs Eye is On The Sparrow (fini)

His father raised him, his son, high on top his shoulders and then moved towards the light, I don't know, but it was biblical, as to bring the healing powers of faith into this child that needed a small miracle from Goad, and yet an impossible task for mankind. They say if you have faith and believe then you will be healed, but first "His eyes must be on the sparrow, the smallness of the boy was the spare at the time.

To all that have witnessed these images I can only say thank you for allowing them to enlighten your spirit and person)
cheers Glenn Capers

Commentaire 4


Dossier Bolivia
Vu de 13 518


APN Olympus EM 1
Objectif ---
Ouverture ---
Temps de pose ---
Focale ---
ISO ---

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