Holding a wish
Fushimi Inari Taisha is the head shrine of Inari, the god of rice, sake and prosperity and patron of business, merchants and manufacturers. The shrine sits at the base of Mount Inari and includes many smaller sub shrines which span 4 kilometres up the 233 meter (764 ft) mountain. Each of the famous torii shrine gates has been donated by an individual or a Japanese business in the hope of receiving good luck and fortune. The name of the donor is inscribed in black ink on the back of each gate.
Storchi 21/11/2020 14:39
Coole Idee.Gruß, Storchi
Achim Mantei 24/10/2020 19:26
Wow sehr gut umgesetzt ...tonal passt es super.. ich fange gerade an mit den Glaskugeln :-) Grüße, Achim