Holidays in Bonn & Area – 5
Our holidays this year were spent with my sister Ana who lives in Bonn.
We had a great time re-exploring our former home of 20 years.
As told in photo 4 of this series, on our way back to Bonn we had some nice and fresh showers due to the summer storm that discharged the water soaked up during the warm morning and noon.
But Mom and Ana had such a good time they still could smile broadly!!!
July 9th - 19th 2011
Ernst Erdle 07/08/2011 19:24
auf den spuren der vergangenheit :-)))aber in spanien bist du näher am meer, gell
Stropp 05/08/2011 15:31
Das mag ich sehr - schön, wie entspannt wir aussehen. I love it.Kuss, bises, besos, Ana
Das wäre dann die zweite Zusammenstellung: