Home Grown Rose
I take many of my pictures from my own personally grown garden. This is a single rose from my mini rose bush.
Home Grown Rose
I take many of my pictures from my own personally grown garden. This is a single rose from my mini rose bush.
Hector Romero 13/09/2005 19:20
Bold decision to make a flower photo B n W Jennifer, but I like it! I agree with Jaime except for the size of flower. Even though you wanted to show it's tiny size I would have given it more prominence in the photo. You're a VERY good for a beginner Jennifer!Jaime Crystal Attenborough 12/09/2005 1:30
love this, how its so small, and onlt the rose itself is in focus, and the rest is blury, great photo, you must have an exquisit garden jennifer.jaime :)