in the morning light
because today it's catholic pasquale day,I invite you see catholic cathedral in cluj-napoca :
in the morning light
because today it's catholic pasquale day,I invite you see catholic cathedral in cluj-napoca :
Alexandru Valentin Iedu 24/04/2008 3:40
Such I beautiful place ...++++++++++++++++++
Multe salutari,
adriana lissandrini 29/03/2008 20:12
Una bella veduta con una luce molto soffusa.Adriana
iacob ion 29/03/2008 19:44
Frumoasa perspectiva si lumina !Ceata care se ridica ,cerul fara nori...atuuri pentru o fotografie excelenta!AL dente 27/03/2008 20:24
You are right. In the morning and in the evening is the light at the most beautiful one.The atmosphere of this picture me pleases very much.
Many greetings and have a beautiful evening
Anca Silvia B. 25/03/2008 20:21
Extraordinara!De ce nu spui unde este?
Cu drag,Anca