Industrial Landscape photo et image | industry & technology, industry & landscape, uk Images fotocommunity
Industrial Landscape photo et image de Peter Leigh ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
This image captures the feel and sense of Cwmbargoed so extraordinarily well. The bleakness and barrenness of the landscape, and even the dark clouds hanging over the valley tops, highlighting the black of the industrial scene. A really powerful image, and very evocative for me of the place I grew up.
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David H Thomas 24/03/2024 21:19
This image captures the feel and sense of Cwmbargoed so extraordinarily well. The bleakness and barrenness of the landscape, and even the dark clouds hanging over the valley tops, highlighting the black of the industrial scene. A really powerful image, and very evocative for me of the place I grew up.