Julia photo et image | kids, people Images fotocommunity
Julia photo et image de Han H. ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur fotocommunity.fr. Découvre ici d'autres images.
I really respond to the look of fearful tenacity that exudes from this beautiful child. Whatever manips were done here (NIK?) are enough to increase the dynamics and conveyance of that emotion she expresses but not too much to call attention to itself rather than the image as a whole. Nicely done. Very powerful.
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Christin Eide 15/10/2007 23:35
Beautiful!!!Vesela Maleeva 09/10/2007 21:55
Fantastic portrait! Emotionaland expressive. Bravo!
Jiri Hodecek 07/10/2007 18:08
Nice, good work!Regards, Jiri
Alexandru Valentin Iedu 25/09/2007 21:08
One of the best portrait I ever see ...The face expression is fantastic !!!
Exquisite work !!!
Best regards,
Robyn Raggio 28/08/2007 22:12
I really respond to the look of fearful tenacity that exudes from this beautiful child. Whatever manips were done here (NIK?) are enough to increase the dynamics and conveyance of that emotion she expresses but not too much to call attention to itself rather than the image as a whole. Nicely done. Very powerful.Best of regards,
Claude Coeudevez 21/08/2007 19:17
great portrait ! for a strong expressioncheers
DRAGA PUC 20/08/2007 21:19
olala, an angry girl... Well done!d
N i N a ² 18/08/2007 9:18
the contrasts are absolutely brilliant, and her view is very good. this is a portrait of he kind i like them ! ninaMichael Henderson 17/08/2007 22:19
I agree strong expression.Excellent contrast, and those eyes are perfect....
Sissel Kathrin Lilleboe 24/07/2007 2:56
Very good, she looks like she is heading to something she is not allowed to do!! hihi goodInez Correia Marques 14/06/2007 16:15
Beautiful portrait!Renato T. 11/06/2007 11:42
Tolles Bild!Wayne Tsipouras 11/06/2007 1:28
Sad expression, very well captured.-Wayne
Seraphine Wilhelm 10/06/2007 19:04
very strong expression. beautiful light 2. wonder what Julia is thinking....Best,