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Just Me Wondering How?

Just Me Wondering How?

849 3

Rohan Akunoori

Free Account, Dubai

Commentaire 3

  • Anastasiya Ivanova 30/07/2005 15:11

    err...what you are wondering at?
    it's cool, very nice portrait, of your wonderful representation!
    Best regards
  • John Moore 30/07/2005 13:18

    G'day from the land down under mate!!!
    I am deeply touched by your poetry posted to my profile.
    You are a soul man and there are those that fully understand where you are comming from.
    It is written in the bible, "and some fell by the wayside"
    We understand those as well.
    Rohan keep up your wonderful work.
    We see what is written within them.
    Best wishes my friend,
    Your mate in Australia.
    Outback John.
  • JVision 30/07/2005 9:41

    Hi Rohan, nice to see you :-) Very good selfportrait, I like it.