Kayakers on the Lake photo et image | landschaft, natur Images fotocommunity
Kayakers on the Lake photo et image de Adolfo Valente ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur fotocommunity.fr. Découvre ici d'autres images.
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Andrea Carta 11/04/2009 19:16
Splendida cattura..Anche questo scatto è capace di portarti lontano
Anna-Maria Neider 08/09/2007 12:15
Den Sonnenscheinsee tauchst du in ein ganz neues Licht. Abendstimmung vom Feinsten.Kompliment.
CC Haube 07/07/2006 17:23
What a beautiful color and mood!Anna Pagnacco 25/03/2006 21:51
Superb capture! AnnaSimon Greuter 09/03/2006 22:17
nice with the gold colours.Luca Smail 05/03/2006 22:26
colori stupendi atmosfera incantevoleciao luca
Rossana Cagnolati 21/02/2006 21:25
Uno scenario incantevole, grazie.roxx
Sigrun Fischer 08/01/2006 1:46
Its so beautiful!!Best, Sigi
Marcus Scholz 07/01/2006 23:17
ohh very well and the warm light is mostly the great aspect.greetz marcus
marcus rüter 07/01/2006 22:16
Beautiful scenery with fantastic golden colors, what a peaceful place, nice!Best,
Diana Kosaric 26/12/2005 22:36
Wunderschönes bild, licht .. stimmung ......sehr gut.......
lg diana.......
Kerstin Enderlein 20/12/2005 0:24
Wonderful light. and a dynamic composition.the water-consistency seems to be like golden mercury. interesting.
warm regards, kerstin
Josef Max Hartl 19/12/2005 17:42
Ein sehr schön gelungenes Stimmungsbild.LG Sepp
Josef Max Hartl 19/12/2005 17:42
Ein sehr schön gelungenes Stimmungsbild.LG Sepp
Josef Max Hartl 19/12/2005 17:42
Ein sehr schön gelungenes Stimmungsbild.LG Sepp