Kestrel on the hunt
The kestrel is a bird of prey that is widespread all over European lowlands.
It prefers open habitat such as fields, heaths, shrubland and marshland to hunt for its prey which consists mainly of mice.
My shot illustrates its typical hunting behaviour which is to hover with the wings going fast up and down at a height of around 10–20 metres over open country and swoop down on prey.
Like most birds of prey, kestrels have keen eyesight enabling them to spot small prey from a distance. They also have the ability to detect an urine trace of a prey from a great height !
Once the prey is sighted, the bird makes a short, steep dive toward the target.
Dutch name : Torenvalk
German name : Turmfalke
Latin name : Falco tinnunculus tinnunculus
Francisco José Chapela Posse 28/11/2018 19:45
Fascinante, felicidades por tu trabajo.Gracias por visitar, un saludo de pacochapela. ¡¡¡
Brigitte Hoffmann 17/04/2018 11:48
Herrlich - wie du diese zwei Turmfalken "erwischt" hast.Exellent in Schärfe - ein toller Schnappschuss!
Salut Brigitte
Sue Thompson 17/04/2018 11:15
Excellent editing:))
Philomena Hammer 08/04/2018 10:04
eine selten gelungene Aufnahme :-))))LG
hans-jakob 07/04/2018 16:45
Wunderschöne Fotokunst!!!LG hans-jakob
aline64 07/04/2018 16:14
Un shoot de toute beauté. BravoAmicalement
archiek 07/04/2018 1:34
Your documentation view with the wings up and down while in flight is super. Great work!Regards, Archie
Prisma-photo 06/04/2018 21:29
Both a superb image of kestrel in flight and a very illustrative scene of their hunting behavior !I understand the photo showing the same kestrel at 2 different instants, as I have never seen them hunting in close pair.
Sylvia Schulz 06/04/2018 19:01
eine starke Flugaufnahme von den Beiden, interessant die Haltung der KöpfeLG Sylvia
Traudel Clemens 06/04/2018 15:12
Hervorragende Flugstudie dieser Turmfalken, die besonders scharfe Augen haben.LG Traudel
Cecile 06/04/2018 12:55
Eine ganz besonderes gute Flugaufnahme und mich fasziniert der Blick der beide nach unten. Sie scheinen etwas entdeckt zu haben.Liebe Grüße zu dir Mark
Elfi Cecile
Bernhard Kuhlmann 05/04/2018 22:09
Herrlich, wie schön du die hast einfangen können !Gruß Bernd
MESTREAU PATRICE 05/04/2018 21:27
magnifique !Ulrich Diez 05/04/2018 20:32
Eine besonders schöne Aufnahme!VG Ulrich
Adele D. Oliver 05/04/2018 19:26
a special image of these two and their wings and flight pattern sowell to see ... great light, fine details, beautiful against the blue sky !!!
warm regards,