Lago Dantorno... photo et image | paesaggi, laghi e fiumi, montagna Images fotocommunity
Lago Dantorno... photo et image de antoninofirriolo ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
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Lago Dantorno...
Una veduta del lago Dantorno, nei pressi di Misurina, Dolomiti.
Pour cette photo, antoninofirriolo désire collecter le maximum de commentaires constructifs Aidez-le avec des conseils sur la composition, la technique, le langage iconographique etc. (Veuillez respecter la Netiquette!)
The long exposure time has an eye-catching impact on the photo, giving a dramatic touch.
Obviously you used a wide-angle lens. So I would try to minimize the lens distortion to straighten the trees on the left and right, even if it reduces the cutout.
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lucy franco 16/11/2018 10:17
le nuvole corrono e il lago riposa. Bellissimo panoramaclaudine capello 15/11/2018 10:58
splendida composizione con questi riflessi cosi poetici !! complimenti una bella foto clMatthias Moritz 15/11/2018 10:02
The long exposure time has an eye-catching impact on the photo, giving a dramatic touch.Obviously you used a wide-angle lens. So I would try to minimize the lens distortion to straighten the trees on the left and right, even if it reduces the cutout.