... Larabanga, Ghana ...
...Larabanga is a town in north western Ghana. It is known for its mud-built whitewashed Sahelian mosque, said to date from 1421, although this is mere estimate, it is older than the first white people in the country, but the exact date is unknown. It was at the height of the trans-Saharan trade. It is reputed to be Ghana's oldest mosque and houses a copy of the Qur'an almost as old. The foundations of the mosque are said to have been started by Allah, also the walls are also reputed to be partly Allah's work as every morning, the workers found the walls higher than they had built.... [Wikipedia]
... Having Fun in Larabanga, Ghana ...
Mirko Tikalsky
... Sirigu Village, Ghana ...
Mirko Tikalsky
... Village Life, Tafi Atome, Ghana ...
Mirko Tikalsky
Bernard64 26/04/2009 20:15
Sehr schön - gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut...Liebe grüsse
Stefan Neuner 26/04/2009 18:40
Interessant und authentisch !LG stefan