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"Last Christmas at Notre Dame"

"Last Christmas at Notre Dame"

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"Last Christmas at Notre Dame"

..a great example of being in the right place at the right time - or was it just luck? My story was that in 2018, I was in Paris on Christmas Eve and wanted to go to midnight Mass (which actually does begin at 12 midnight) in the Notre Dame Cathedrale. After dinner we went over there around 22.30h - and found no line in front waiting to get in; amazed, we went in about halfway up the aisle and found standing places there, we stood there just taking in the scene that was unfolding around us, as midnight approached the Cathedrale became fuller and fuller, when suddenly the massiv pipe organs there began to dramatically thunder out a tremendous tsunami of sound - as the Arche Bishof of Paris with his entourage entered the building, made their way to the alter - and right past me:-) ...we all know what happend here a few months later...

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