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Lest We Forget - No.2

...our photographic roots, that is.

No, these aren't display pieces...or relics. Not to this photographer. They are much loved working tools - although I admit the Brownie is a bit more a special case of sentimentality (but also something of a self-challenge).(*)

Out on a shoot together...
The Nikon FE Single Lens Reflex camera is wearing a Nikon Nikkor AI-S 24mm f/2.8 lens with yellow
filter (for black and white shooting). The cable release is attached to a newly reconditioned 1950s
Brownie Hawkeye, modified with tripod socket and cable release receptacle.

©2019 Steve Ember
(*) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2191058600952772&set=a.796176420441004&type=3&theater

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