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Lisboa de noite: Estação Central do Rossio

Lisboa de noite: Estação Central do Rossio

2 547 3

Lisboa de noite: Estação Central do Rossio

RTS II Distagon 2/28
f5,6 1s.
Superia 200
Negative scan
Electronic perspective correction
Picture taken in January 2005

The former central station Rossio in the lower part of Lisbon at night. Today, the station built in the Neomanuelinic style is only used as a regional station with connections to Sintra. /
Der ehemalige Hauptbahnhof Rossio in der Lissaboner Unterstadt bei Nacht. Heute dient der im neomanuelinischen Stil erbaute Bahnhof nur noch als Regionalbahnhof mit Zügen nach Sintra.

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