Little Red Flower photo et image | plants, fungi & lichens, flowers, wildflowers Images fotocommunity
Little Red Flower photo et image de Burits Pál ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
A great picture as it stands. However, the things that appeal most to me are its minimalist design and strong color contrast. As a personal preference, I think I'd have cropped it differently, to emphasize those things, and not worried about keeping the sense of movement in the flower stem. But it's a matter of subjective taste. It's still a picture I could enjoy looking at time after time. You have a great eye.
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Elizabeth J Jacob 16/06/2008 16:41
A great picture as it stands. However, the things that appeal most to me are its minimalist design and strong color contrast. As a personal preference, I think I'd have cropped it differently, to emphasize those things, and not worried about keeping the sense of movement in the flower stem. But it's a matter of subjective taste. It's still a picture I could enjoy looking at time after time. You have a great eye.Aniko Mocher 20/05/2008 9:37
Apró de gyönyörü, nagyon szép és sejtelmes kép.üdv,
Maria João Arcanjo 20/05/2008 1:17
I like this one Pál: the one with the butterfly I can't open.Beijinhos
Kirják József 19/05/2008 21:59
Ötletes meglátásüdv.
CsomorLászló 19/05/2008 19:35
Was für eine dof und bildaufbau!!!lg
JVision 19/05/2008 11:57
Wonderful colors and light !!Greetings
László Bolla 19/05/2008 10:49
Gyönyörű,nagyon finom kompozíció.Üdv
Mark Billiau. 18/05/2008 19:06
What a huge colour contrast in this shot.Great.
Andrea Sagawe 18/05/2008 18:40
Lovely shot of this fragile red blossom.Excellent colour contrast and well composed.