Ljubljana Slovenija
Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia. In the area of the town live about 300.000 inhabitants. In the centre of Ljubljana is Slovenian Parliament. The most observable location of Ljubljana is the Ljubljana castle. Characteristic of the town is the old town nucleus and numerous of churches. The history and the art are presented in museums and galleries. Great part of the town's arhitecture had contributed arhitect Joze Plecnik:
Onjasmoi 27/05/2007 9:12
:-) !!!!!!!Doug Hough 07/12/2006 17:07
A lovely place, nicely photographed!Robert L. Roux 26/08/2005 4:14
If ever I travel ... I would love to visit your beautiful country.Greetings from the (far) west - R
Xaya XX 30/05/2005 23:35
Enrico Conrad 07/04/2005 18:34
Wonderful picture ... super background ... very nice ...Greetings Enrico
HeLu die Freizeitknipser 07/04/2005 7:21
Eine sehr schöne Aufnahme mit dem blauen Himmel und den Bergen im Hintergrund.Gruß Luzia
Juergen Heimerl 06/04/2005 21:45
das kenn ich gut da fahr ich jedes jahr durch,gruss jürgen
JVision 06/04/2005 15:30
Great view over the city. Well done.Greetings
W.G. Weber 06/04/2005 9:10
Hallo!Schaut toll aus, vorne die City mit Hochhäusern u. hinten die schneebedeckten Berge. Gefällt mir!
Jordan D. 06/04/2005 8:01
great colorclear shot
good job!