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Locked up

I saw this poor thing on my travels...
The high tape fence is a reflection on today's oppresive societies.
A simple wooden or wire enclosure isn't enough I guess, someone chose to put up this huge barrier instead.

Commentaire 5

  • Wim Denijs 08/10/2006 1:36

    Hi Edna

    understand and support your vision on photography completely. But I am afraid that Ruud has right. When a picture is technical not 100% , and you have to look for the meaning of the tittle , than the attention fades very fast. When you are making a picture like this , you see and feel the story , but the art is , to tell to people in a glance. By my own experience , I know that this is not always easy , and unfortunatly , I fail also a lot .
    Anyhow , thanks for your vision on photography
  • Dianna Tilley 07/10/2006 19:54

    I am sorry that I upset you. But when I look at this picture I don't see grim. I see a healthy looking horse that needs a bath from rolling in the dirt, with a pile of hay and behind him and green grass under him to feed him, in one of the least dangerous enclosures on the market right now.
    It looks like his owners both feed and protect him. He just needs a bath and a good brushing.
  • Edna Clouds 07/10/2006 16:12

    You're both missing the point totally.
    It's not a pretty photo of a horse, and not supposed to be.

    The stand point was chosen to show the tape. I could have walked closer to avoid that, I chose not to.
    Marie, your personal opinion is welcome, I'm happy I didn't ask you to post the photo too.

    Dianna, I'd have pulled out the weeds if I'd known they would disturb you, sorry. :)
    Anyway, the photo is just as intended. Pretty grim. After all, photography is a personal vision and not a simply measurable thing based purely on sharpness or clarity.

    It's posted here for the tough comments of course, and you failed to read and understand the description under the title, chosing to judge on what you would do instead of trying to see someone else's vision.

    Dianna, I do thank you for the explanation of the tape though.

  • Dianna Tilley 07/10/2006 15:14

    I guess I first have to mention the tape. Being a horse owner I feel I must explain. The tape is a very gentle encloser and is much recommended by the vets. It does not cut them nor cause injuries to them. Both Wire and wood, cause lots of injuries. Horse are know to run through their fences...quite often when playing or running around spending energy. So who ever put this up did this baby a favor.

    Now for the photo. I find it too soft in focus. Also the weeds are very distracting in the foreground. You could have gotten a better shot if you could have gotten up close or up higher or lower to shot over or under the fence. It is always difficult to get great results when you shot straight on with a horse..

    Nice try and he is a very pretty baby in need of a good bath.

  • Marie Strydom 07/10/2006 15:10

    Welcome to FC Edna. You have posted this in the area for straight and tough critique, so here it comes. There is alot of distractions in this photo. The fences for one is a big distraction. The photo lacks clear focus and crisp clarity. Eye capture is a plus in animal photos, gives the photo life, you dont have any eye capture here. My honest oppinion. I wont post this photo at all.