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Lost in Marseille

During a photographic research into the phenomenon of shadows in Marseille I stopped walking to take a break in front of this building. It seemed intriguing to me as the shadow cast by other objects than the facade itself made the undulating seem flat. As I was sitting for about five minutes a man walked in front of the facade going one direction. Halfway across he turned around and went back. A couple steps further he looked around again but decided to keep walking. Some meters further he eventually turned around again and continued in his original direction. I decided to take a photo, right as I clicked he started looking back again, indecisive, before continuing straight on.

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Vu de 557


Objectif OLYMPUS M.45mm F1.8
Ouverture 3.5
Temps de pose 1/2000
Focale 45.0 mm
ISO 250