Love and geometry photo et image | animals, wildlife, insects Images fotocommunity
Love and geometry photo et image de Marina Kazakova ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
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j.a.j.jansen m. 27/11/2009 18:20
Wonderful, well done.Jan.
RadePljeskavica2 09/09/2009 12:15
Hello Marina, very nice picture. Nice colours and a very gut sharpness!!regards Rade
Max13 13/08/2009 23:55
Great Shot of the ftwo Butterflys and a good sharpness Greetings maxLeos Ricanek 09/07/2009 20:46
Good macro. I like it very well!!Hannes Gensfleisch 06/07/2009 3:31
Very good!They are looking like twins! (fraternal twins! ;–)
Adán Castillo 02/07/2009 20:43
This is just amazing Marina; absolutly PROBugambilia - Oruga
Adán Castilloº|
Deryck 01/07/2009 21:15
Beautiful work Marina! The two butterflies are foreming a beautiful geometry. Excellent colours and sharpnessDeryck
Toni Grimalt 01/07/2009 15:11
A fantastic macro, very sharp and with a very good background, doing some spectacular macro, very well,greetings
Michele Ballerini 01/07/2009 13:14
Fantastic!Giocando a nascondino con un dittero
Michele BalleriniFons van Swaal 01/07/2009 12:10
WONDERFUL SHOT.......!!!Compliments,
Mark Billiau. 01/07/2009 11:07
Excellent macro capture.Good work !