Love the Beach - Before the Tourists Arrive photo et image | street & situation, puerto vallarta, people Images fotocommunity
Love the Beach - Before the Tourists Arrive photo et image de Adele D. Oliver ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
I'd love to be there, sitting in one of the front chairs, hanging my feet into the water and let the sun shine on my belly...
...wonderful colours and light, Adele - I love this photo!
It is amazing how quickly this beach will fill up. As soon as the sun is high after the holiday starts............ They will be there. Nice shot! I like the inclusion of that woman and her dog
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José Ramón Miguel 22/09/2010 22:05
Unos sensacionales colores en estas hamacas de la playa y excelente luz en la panorámica.Saludos. Ramón
FOTO-BERNY 21/09/2010 9:58
A cool photo!photographed prima!
Composition ... okay! BA also.
Like it very much!
Gr. Bernd
vittorio L 04/09/2010 22:58
Nice photo of a nice moment !!!It's like a postcard !!!
mike snead 04/09/2010 10:45
taylor and burton's old hang-out.great beach scene.
especially as woman and her dog enter scene.
Heike J 01/09/2010 21:37
a wonderful sightHeike
Pascal Viyer 01/09/2010 0:14
TFR 30/08/2010 22:10
You visit nice places.Robert
Günter Nau 28/08/2010 12:48
Aber es ist alles schon fein vorbereitet, bis die Touristen dann kommen. Scheint mir wunderbares Wasser und feiner Sand zu sein.Grüße Günter
corvosson 27/08/2010 19:40
Käme jetzt ein Haifisch um das Hundi wegzuschnappen,würde dem Bildi Leben fehlen,dass du ihm eingehaucht hast (*+`)Hob
groc 27/08/2010 13:12
The girl and her dog as sole human beings on the sand? Too much for me, hahaha...!Love empty beaches too, Adele.
A hug.
Ana Iglesias 26/08/2010 22:58
Luminosa y colorista.Me gusta muchoSaludos
Frau Luna. 26/08/2010 21:25
I'd love to be there, sitting in one of the front chairs, hanging my feet into the water and let the sun shine on my belly......wonderful colours and light, Adele - I love this photo!
Deryck 26/08/2010 21:03
It is amazing how quickly this beach will fill up. As soon as the sun is high after the holiday starts............ They will be there. Nice shot! I like the inclusion of that woman and her dogDeryck
Inez Correia Marques 26/08/2010 21:01
nice day for the beach Adele. Perfect with that passer by ! :-)Kiss
Nick Topouzelis 26/08/2010 20:50
Very good window on the beach !!!!!!!!!!!!BW