Mr. Willies Ice Cream
Mr Willies's Ice cream Truck. Like the British Navy of the past. Intrepid towards the storm, now faces the south sea navigation rights with its two vast air craft carries once it gets the green light to challenged the Chinese blockage . Let the two mights flex some muscle ,but first lest have some ice cream at Mary Vale. It's so much friendlier before everyone crowds each other for a fortune cookie.
Janos Gardonyi 25/08/2017 21:43
some photo, glenn! best, janosCameraqueen 17/08/2017 9:29
The British weather seems to call more for a hot tea than icecream!Jürgen Ringmann 17/08/2017 8:49
Nice b&w picture, great point of view. Lg JürgenTschisi vom Bodensee 01/08/2017 22:33
Sehr fein.LG Tschisi
Dagi.H. 01/08/2017 17:19
Ice cream in the nowhere - here are about 40 degrees - I'll Willy's Ice cream :-))) - a very interesting picture!Greetings Dagi
JOKIST 31/07/2017 20:38
Eine tolle Aufnahme von dir . . .der Bildaufbau ist super.
Ingrid und Hans
isabella bertoldo 31/07/2017 18:28
ottima composizione e prospettiva...bravissimo Glenn!Frederick Mann 31/07/2017 14:20
ice cream in the middle of nowhere